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COMUNIS Project Synthesis in French, German, Italian and Slovene!

Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.

COMUNIS Project Synthesis in French, German, Italian and Slovene!

COMUNIS Synthesis Booklet

The Synthesis Booklet is now also available in the four Alpine languages French, German, Italian and Slovene. It gives an overview of the pros and cons of inter-municipal cooperation for commercial location development (CLD), the CLD-Guidelines, the models of inter-municipal CLD and the aspect transferability of CLD-models to different regional contexts.

Download the booklet in four languages from this page.

Document Actions
COMUNIS Final Publication
Final report on the COMUNIS Project   >>
COMUNIS Project Synthesis in French, German, Italian and Slovene!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>
Sixth COMUNIS Newsletter
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COMUNIS Final Conference
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COMUNIS Project Synthesis Booklet - now available!
Overview, guidelines and models for inter-municipal cooperation.   >>